Quality assurance :
It is the verification that academic and institutional standards compatible with the Institute's educational mission have been defined, defined and achieved in a manner that complies with the corresponding standards, whether at the national or global level. The quality assurance units of the Institute and its branches coordinate internally between the Institute's higher administration, scientific departments and material departments supporting the educational process and in coordination externally with the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.
Enhancing competitiveness and research capabilities through adherence to academic standards, thereby improving the quality of both educational and administrative processes, and ultimately contributing to community service.
1.The Quality Assurance Unit aims to foster a culture of quality among all stakeholders involved in the educational process at the institute.
2.Providing technical assistance to educational programs for conducting self-evaluation.
3.Conducting a thorough evaluation of the institute as an educational institution and its programs, aligning with established institutional and programmatic accreditation standards.
4.Monitoring the quality of both the educational and administrative processes and implementing corrective measures as needed
Job description for the institute’s employees
Organizational structure of the quality assurance unit
Decision to form the Board of Directors of the Quality Assurance Unit
Developing the skills of faculty members, assistants, and the administrative staff
Seminars and meetings with faculty members, the supporting staff, members of the administrative staff, and students of the institute for the academic year 2023/2024.
simulation Visit for chemical engineering program
Visit of external review teams from the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation of Engineering Programs